it was a raining saturday morning when eunice and i made our way down to victoria jomo's fit all you can event at 9 haji lane. even tho we had to queue for an hour to get in, we were so stoked. it was our first time attending such events, thousand and one images/scenarios came to our mind as we didn't know what and how its going to look and feel like. while waiting we came up with a mini master plan on what to look out for and what to get, and also how we should stufffffff and squeeeeeeze all the clothes and clutches we wanted into the $35/$55 worth plastic bag. i got in total of 10 items, I KNOW RIGHT. i didn't realize i got that much of clothes until i counted them, i feel damn guilty making eunice give up certain clothes that she wanted for me :( anw, to the girls at victoria jomo, thank you so much for creating such an event, everything was organized and clear instructions were given. appreciate it <3