Monday, June 27, 2011

i'm crying. for the third time today. i broke down. today couldn't be shittier than it already is. but thank God, dad made it better by offering to cab home with me later. fact is, i hate the certain people that I've to interact with. don't get me wrong. i'm not being a fake or a hypocrite. but i tend to generalize a person i hate/ revealed their true colors to the mass. so, to simplify what i'm feeling now is, i pretty much figured out saw through three of my so called friends' true colors. and i'm done and leaving. the number might be turning to 4. for all i care. i'm gonna make things straight, even if it means worse. i don't care. this week is going to be miserable. but hey, its the end of the month let's make this month an all rounder. well, i'm glad to say June was fruitful and the next shall be better.